
So I've noticed that a few of our friends are disappointed because I haven't blogged in a while. First I have to say, start a blog and tell me how easy it is to keep it up religiously for almost an entire year. On second thought, don't start a blog. There are way too many of them out there already. Unless, of course, you want to divulge some sordid details of your personal life. After all, that's what blogs spawned from and really is the only thing that gets the electronic butts in the seats. Yes JR I'm talking to you. Just let it all out.

After a few weeks back in Mexico I must admit Rach and I are feeling a bit homesick. We have even humoured the thought of bee-lining it for Gringolandia. I know what you are thinking... especially those reading this at work. "Those ungrateful bastards have the trip of a lifetime and they're wasting it by wallowing in homesick misery." Just hear me out. Look, we've been on the road a really long time. Almost eleven months. Though the Yucatan, Chiapas, and basically all of Mexico aren't without their charms, we are just finding it harder to get excited.

Maybe it doesn't help that we only mastered survival Spanish and didn't quite cross-over into "deep personal connection Spanish." Linguistical nuances aside, once you've gone down the whole coast you constantly compare every meal to a previous one that was just a little better and cheaper. Once-charming interactions with the colorfully dressed Mayan street vendors are now windows into a depressingly impoverished existence. In short, cobblestone streets have become simply bumpy, and picturesque beaches have been reduced to just a photo.

Besides being a bit jaded, what it really comes down to is we miss the family and friends that allow us to feel. We miss celebrating successes, supporting in hard times, and just some good old-fashioned hanging out with familiar faces. There! That is my entire case. I hope this blog doesn't burst the "Joe and Rachel are livin' the dream" bubble. And if it does just go ahead and write it off to the fact that Im lying in bed on the 3rd day of a seemingly undefeatable fever.
Oh yeah. These are a bunch of pictures of ruins and charming colonial cities in Mexico. You should visit them some day.

OOOhhh baby brother has a fever! If you were here I would make you take a bath all full of ice.(remember our old babysitter)I miss you too..don't fool yourselves you are not living the dream..driving in a van, getting all sick with fevers and wearing bad hats!You probably have had diareahs since Easters...all kidding aside, I miss you guys Joey come live with me for a while that truely is "living the dream" love to" I pray in Jesus's name for fast healing and health to you both." amen
I had a fever once ... and the only cure was more cowbell. Perhaps you should increase your dose of Blue Oyster Cult.
Well..there is a saying - the only people who like to travel are those who don't! or those who are sitting at their box - watching others travel.
Get well soon. Nothing like family to take care of you. We love you both.
We have all become addicted to reading and following your blog. Poor Jaime placing comments at 3:14 am. Maybe she is in Russia or something. Others, like Rachel check the blog 16 times a night.
Anyway, we all miss you guys too and are looking forward to a large party to welcome you home.
And yes, you have burst my bubble...
15 minutes after you get back you'll have no regrets...
first of all, i don't blame you for being homesick. 11 months (5 of them in a foreign country) is a long time. second, as a budding know what, i'm not even going to try and express that thought in a blog comment. talk to me when you get home ;) and lastly, just in case you feel like you've missed out on quality hanging out, you haven't much - i miss the company of recognizable faces too ;) (uh, like joe and rachel!!!) enjoy the rest of your trip, even it it means squeezing the excitement out of yourselves like a nearly empty tube of toothpaste when you have to roll the bottom up - you won't regret it! feel better joe. rachel, you look like a latina local.
the other abraham
Maybe I'm twisted, but that blog made me laugh till I cried---literal tears running down my face. It started with the menu photo, and culminated with the "oh yeah, these are ruins---you should visit them sometime"! I do feel sad for the fever, but thanks for the belly laugh. I needed it.
Si Senor!
Love you both lots, MOM
i miss u so much uncle jj. u guys r having a great adventure youll always remember. i wish i could have been there with u guys to see charlie (the pig). i just want to say i miss u and i cant wait to see u in maui!!!!!
P.S-hope u will get better quickly unkie jj...
i just responded to a comment on the wrong old one. so now my comment doesn't make any sense. please disregard.
Hey foolios,
herba buena and tequila are suppossed to work wonders for sickness. Good thing you can find both easily every where in Mex.. Rachel, don't beleive Joe when he says that the pharmacia gave him the "little purple pills" for his headache!!! We miss you guys and can't wait to hang out again. If you b-line it or take your time just know that we'll all be waiting to hear about your awesome travels.
Jay and Janelle
p.s. keep on truckin' gd
It's good to feel missed- all of us having been missing you guys for 11 months now! And as far as the burst bubble, don't give up yet. This quest has become bigger than you, all of us desk-dwellers live through your blogs, and all kidding aside, you've inspired Chad and I to get out a lot more and see what there is to see. We just got back from the Sequoias, and I've lived here my whole life and had never been. Take some credit for my life changing, tree-hugging weekend.
Much love,
Melissa and Chad
(trying not to be too preachy) but finding joy in the mundane is one of the simple pleasures in life. Whether you're globetrotting or not it's the small things that often go unrecognized that infuse the soul. Take care and enjoy the rest of your ride.
get better soon joe! and even though i envy your entire trip and how amazing it must be to cover north america by van, i would also tire after being on the road for so long. i hear ya!
I find calamine lotion helps many fevers. Lather it all over the body carmex boy and it will make you all better. My second remedy would be to chug a liter of Guaro and all the bad spirits will leave you. When you get back to Gringoland I will be there to comfort you.
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