Brudders, The Finale

In no time at all, the brudders and countries of Central America are behind us. Our time together was sweet; a jam-packed tour of 3 countries and countless amazing natural and manmade wonders. With their all-too-soon departure came pangs of homesickness, and a new event to look forward to: home, or what we once knew as home.

Our journey took us to new regions of Guatemala, our self-proclaimed adventure-favorite for the budget traveler. Rio Dulce brimmed with riverside culture, from lilypads to hippies to boys in ancient canoes. The contrast between the full-speed booty dancin' yacht day-trippers and the Mayan family of six transported solely by cayuka is obvious, but somehow the two coexist in strange harmony.

We were all amazed by the miracle of El Finca Paraiso, a steaming hot-spring waterfall flowing into cool clean river waters. Nature's spa surpassed any manmade equivalent I have ever witnessed.

Onward we trekked to Tikal, a gem of Mayan ruins amid raw jungle wilderness. Our misty sunrise atop an ancient temple was surrounded by the amphitheater of jungle creatures awakening. Scenes of Apocalypto flashed through my head, but I was too tired after climbing hundreds of haphazard stairs to feel a real sense of horror. The tour left us hungry and exhausted, but completely satisfied after having witnessed the vast, beautiful accomplishments of an ancient civilization.

Nate and Spence's takeoff point was the last country in our Central American puzzle. Belize's large Black, Caribbean, and English-speaking population make it unique from the rest of the countries in the region. Not to mention the vast price increase. We sheltered in a hotel/casino, shying away from the shady streets of Belize City.

From there we said goodbye, or "Hey, see you later." Once again we are alone, missing everyone, and very happy to be back in Mexico enroute to the U.S. of A.
- Rach
p.s. Lecha, Muy Frijoles por favor.
Ahhh Brudders gotta hug! Sounds sweet and sad too. I am so impressed and proud of you guys and can't wait to see you again.
Rachel wrote 4 out of the last 5 blogs. Joe, stop being lazy. Pura Vida!
Great blog Rach -
beautiful pics - LA misses you guys. Come home soon
oo oo ee ee!!
we made the blog!
we want very beans!
and mulk!
we had fun!
Enjoy every last minute! We all wish we could be in such a breath taking place after place.
Continue the safe travels!
Time to surf the crap out of MEXICO!! Take some wave shots. I concur with JR...Rach deserves a blog break. By the way I was given a tie dye shirt with Pura Vida and a frog on the front the other day in WA. The Rica Lives!
Looks like 3 Kim-igos reunion was a fun one! But somehow reading your last blog made me really miss you guys, maybe because you seem so close to home but haven't quite arrived. Soon'll be greeted with happy hugs!!!!
Nuevo Blog Por Favor
jim is so demanding. i say enjoy your trip home. seeing you in person is what i'm anticipating.
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